Pain Stop in A Box

Regular price $73.00

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A welcomed gift for those that live with pain or unable to take magnesium orally supplements. One Magnesium Kawakawa Body Cream 150ml and One Magnesium Spray 100ml The Magnesium Cream and Spray makes a great present for those living with pain such as restless legs, cramp, general aches and pains, and many are finding they sleep better as well. The spray used on its own or on top of the Magnesium Kawakawa Body Cream is a useful option to have on hand on days when there is extra pain. It is particularly relieving for annoying cramp many get at bed time or during the night. Apply and 10 minutes later drift back to sleep! Great bedside items, and makes a welcome present for oldies that find it hard to get away from annoying aches and pains.